Many voice recordings or older songs have some issues like low sound quality or unwanted background noise. Programs like iZotope RX were developed to offer users a professional solution for dealing with these problems.
iZotope RX is a very powerful application designed to help its users repair audio files. This program offers an impressive amount of handy functions like denoise, spectral repair, remove hum, declip, etc. Moreover, the application provides multiple selection methods, thus helping you process only the song fragments that you are interested in.
One of the things that I liked the most about iZotope RX is that it isn’t only ultra efficient, but also easy to operate, even for a rookie like me. Each of its functions are easy to access and, what is even better, the program offers a lot of presets for its settings, so you won’t have to manually calibrate everything.
Among other useful things, iZotope RX offers a spectral analyzer that will automatically detect the peak values. When you add that to the detailed spectrogram that the program already offers in its main window, you will discover that you don’t always need to hear, to be able to repair the audio defects of your files.
Another plus is that, with iZotope RX, you will be able to mix the audio channels. Furthermore, using its “gain” feature you can add fading effects to any part of the song that you are working on. more
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